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Parking Guidance System


Parking Guidance System


In general, Parking Guidance Systems (PGS) are an arrangement of various components which aim to assist the drivers locate the accessible places to park their own vehicles. Commonly, a PGS follows three steps as below:

First step: A wide screen shows the count of available spaces in any floor to the entering drivers/clients.

Second step: At the time the driver/client reaches the main cross point, another screen displays the number of available spaces at the left, right and forward direction.

Third step: By reaching each pass-way, the driver/client can check the LED lights stating the places’ availability via the colors of green implying a free space and red implying a busy or locked space.

system advantages

Displaying the online count of free spaces in any zone or floor

Displaying spaces' state with a single lot resolution on the software

High-speed screen control in order to the fastest possible vehicle guidance to the free spaces

show the number of entering and departing vehicle on a real-time basis


report statistical data during desired time periods and also on a daily and weekly basis

Direct surveillance and access allocated to the operator to observe the vehicle's status

take the reserved lots into account

calculate the elapsed time of each vehicle in stop, and report it to the control station

dedicate several plate numbers to a single park place to achieve a focused management on each area

Generally, the parking guidance systems are categorized in two main groups. A brief description is stated below:

Camera PGS

In this method, a camera-based guidance system is installed for 3 to 6 parking lots, which is able to recognize license plates and whether the lots are free or busy. This type of instrument is provided in two man models of D3 (a single camera for 3 lots) and D6 (2 cameras for 6 lots).

Ultrasonic sensor

The sensor is used to sense whether a parking lot is empty or occupied by a vehicle. A sensor is required for any parking lot, installed above the vehicle or on the ground beneath the vehicle.

Specifications of the parking monitoring and guidance system:

Software language is Farsi and may be tailored based on the client request

Ability to harmonize several parking garages on a single software and ability to compute the stop time of any vehicle in the parking area

Ability to reserve lots or floors via the software

Ability to define parking information, including the number of floors and capacity, load the parking map and graphically define location of parking lots and sensors

Ability to consider the reserved spaces via the software displaying the real-time count of entry and exit vehicles

Software simultaneous installation and display for several users

Ability to communicate with the network of cameras around the parking area

Real-time display of free and occupied spaces in any zone via the software

Ability to smartly record the entry and exit of vehicles via the software and plate recognition cameras (In case the software and plate recognition cameras are at service)

Ability to define free spaces and online illustration of them in any floor via the software

Reporting the free spaces count, reserved spaces count, parking total capacity, ability to reserve or free parking spaces through the display screens inside and outside of the parking area in order to share the parking condition with drivers

Ability to guide the vehicle to the first (closest) free space and ability to define parking lots and ability to print tickets

Ability to inform the drivers regarding the available spaces via the screens at the entry, pass-ways and floors

User-friendly illustration of free/occupied, reserved spaces in any floor

Ability to allocate a handful of plate numbers for a single parking lot in order to achieve a centralized management on any of the spaces

Ability to generate statistical administrative details of the floor capacities, reserved spaces and the parking total capacity

Displaying the pie, bar and histogram charts of any floor or area portion out of the total parking area

Ability to report based on the rush hours, statistical information display and recording over the desired time periods

Fully automated control and management of entry gate, and gate manipulation regarding the parking remaining capacity